
smsannya ayah n mama

mama: "yah, yen arep pulang aku ikut di sms"
ayah: "ayah lagi ngetik di kantor sebelah rumah. ayah ga pergi, kaciaaaaannnn."

sebagai anak, menganalisis sms mereka:
1. itu mama ikut pulang apa ikut sms?
2. ayah jemput mama pake sms?
3. ayah kerjanya dimana?
4. smsnya ambigu tp saling bs mengerti

sumpah aku ketawa liat sms mereka.. i love my parents. i love my family.. :)



5 expression for beautiful monday !

I gotta make up my mind
aku harus membuat keputusan

We need to talk in over again
kita perlu membicarakan ini lagi

It doesn't make sense!
Ini tidak masuk akal

She Really has a cheek
punya nyali juga dia

It's your time
ini giliran kamu



sedikit ungkapan tentang cinta..

True love will never come twice
cinta sejati ga akan pernah datang 2x

Love doesn't mean the passes
cinta ga harus memiliki

Think it over before blamming

pikir dulu sebelum nyalahin orang

You should be shy in your age
malu sama umur

Let's get down to the business

kembali ke pokok masalah



Berdamai dengan hati.. berusaha bagaimana caranya menghilangkan hati yang tidak baik dengan memaksakan pikiran untuk ttp membuat hati ini baik..
Dengan mengubah anggapan, dengan anggapan yang baik, lalu dengan keinginan untuk mempunyai bahagia yang baik.. dan tahu bahwa bahagia yang baik itu lebih melegakan hati..

dara awesome



someday, i'll go to atomium..
with or without my future husband..


6 expressions for today

1. life is beautiful with full of joy
hidup ini indah dengan penuh sukacita

2. my hands are full
aku sibuk

3. don't be like that way
jangan gitu caranya

4. you're gone so far/ you're too much
kamu keterlaluan

5. U get a lot of idea
ada-ada aja nih kamu

6. U're out of your mind
kamu gila banget



5 expressions for today !

in English:
1. I wanna wash my hand
2. I wanna powder my nose
3. I got no more soap
4. The bathroom's pissed up
5. The floor's slippery and mossy

in Bahasa:
1. aku mau ke belakang (untuk cowok)
2. aku mau ke belakang (untuk cewek)
3. sabunku habis
4. kamar mandinya bau banget
5. lantainya licin dan lumutan


dara awesome


describe about him!

he has curly hair, fat body, sharp nose, brown skin, and shady eyes.. he can sing and play guitar.. he is genius, lively, funny, and than.. his smile always make me fallin love.. hehe

he is my idol.. he is my super hero in my life.. i really love him.. really love him.. but.. he is not real.. :)



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how to remove a broken heart

[tulisan pemula]

i know, many peoples have ever fallin in love and also broken hearted. hmm including you? haven't you? hehehe! but, in this time, im just going to talk about "how to remove a broken heart". i have 3 steps to remove a broken heart.. there are easy steps.. i promise.. :)
  1. we must be logical, think that there are a lot of people in this world, there are a lot of boy in this world. it is logical? isn't it? why we must think about someone who makes us broken heart and sad? he is nothing. he just the smallest part of the beautiful life.. don't forget that live isn't sorrow. live is beautiful..
  2. think that live is choice. and we must choose a good choice. for example.. we choose to smile.. we choose to laugh.. we choose to buy ice cream. orr we choose to pick one's nose. like this.. *sambil ngupil* hehehe! if there is a good choice, why we choose a bad choise?
  3. suppose there are only two feelings! happy and unhappy. we try to manage the composition of our feeling. for example: 99% for happy and 1% for unhappy.. and don't forget that broken heart is unhappiness.. hmm maybe it will need a little imagination. hehhee
Okaaayy.. i hope these steps can make all the people in this world always be happy! ameen! :D




let bygones be bygones

bukan dikira gatau.. bukan dikira goblok.. bukan dikira ga bisa apa2. dia cuma gatau siapa kita.. :D



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kata negatif.

ingin sekali menuliskan kata yang negatif.. tp aku takut sekali menuliskan kata yang negatif.. karena aku sudah seberusaha ini untuk menolak kata yang negatif..


dara awesome

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air - song for you

don't cry, just sweep your pain from your eyes..

that makes me fall to your heart..

sorry, it's all i can say to your heart..

you'll always with me..

you are my dreams..

my sweetest dream..

please babe don't leave alone..

hold me tight..

close in my arms..

i'm with you wherever you are..

you'll always be my happy life..

this love will last forever..

trust me, i know what you have been through..

believe me i'm here for you..

feel me, i'll always be around you..

wherever i go..


cat woman.

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study hard!

we are ready now

we come here to study english

and we don't forget the keys to get success

1. we must have strong intention

2. we must struggle hard

3. we must worship unto our God

yes.. yes.. yes..


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